Setting Spring MVC in Eclipse -Dynamic Project

Steps in Setting Up Spring MVC 

The process of setting up the Spring MVC project using Eclipse is a crucial ability for anyone Java developer wishing to develop web-based applications. This technology is widely utilized by the industry due to its flexibility modularity and a simple to application. In this post we'll guide readers through steps needed to build an innovative Spring MVC project using Eclipse starting from beginning to finish.

Before we get deep into technical details, we'll describe the basics of what Spring MVC means and why it is important. Spring MVC is a framework that provides a model-view-controller architecture for building web applications in Java. It enables developers to segregate the issues of information persistence, business logic and presentation layer. This makes the codebase simpler to manage and tests.

Let's begin by creating the first dynamic web project using Eclipse. Go to File -> New -> Dynamic Web Project. Give the project a name and choose the desired runtime environment (for instance, Apache Tomcat). After that, click Finish to create the project.

It is the next thing to do to include the spring MVC Framework to your project. Right-click on the name of the project within the Project Explorer and go to Properties > Project Facets. Make sure to check the box that says "Spring MVC" and click Apply. Eclipse will then download necessary libraries and set up the project settings automatically.

Let's now create the controller class that will manage the responses and requests by the clients. Right-click on the folder src within the Project Explorer and go to New and then Class. Give your class a name (for example, HomeController) and make sure it extends the org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller interface. Eclipse will ask users to create the necessary methods, such as handlesRequest, getViewName and so on.

When you use the handleRequest function you can create your business logic that will take care of the request coming in and then prepare the data for the response. For instance, you could get data from databases as well as perform calculations or call APIs from outside. The method getViewName gives details about the specific view which renders the response data. In Spring MVC views, a view is usually an JSP file that includes HTML markup as well as embedded Java code.

Let's build a simple JSP file that will show an inviting message to the user. Right-click the WebContent folder within the Project Explorer and go to New and then JSP File. Give the file a name (for instance, index.jsp) and enter the following code:

<title>Welcome to our website</title>
<h1>Welcome to our website</h1>
<p>This is a sample page generated by Spring MVC</p>

Save the file and go back to the HomeController class. In the getViewName method, return the name of the JSP file (for example, "index.jsp"). Now, let's map the incoming requests to the controller class. In Spring MVC, this is done through the @RequestMapping annotation.

Add the following code to the HomeController class:

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;

import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;


public class HomeController implements Controller {


    public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

        ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("index.jsp");

        return modelAndView;



References :-

1. Edu of Northstar

2. Edu Sitemna

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Setting Spring MVC in Eclipse -Dynamic Project

Steps in Setting Up Spring MVC  The process of setting up the Spring MVC project using Eclipse is a crucial ability for anyone Java dev...

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