Copy Files and Directory using CMD
Copy files And Directory In Windows Using Command Prompt(CMD)
Step 1: Go to Run from start and type CMD and press enter
Step 2: type following line as below after a black window appears
xcopy dirnametocopy destinationname /s /e
For Example :
I want to copy all the files under the folder
named 'dr' which is in 'E' drive to a destination folder named
sanju which is in the 'D' drive so the command will be as
I want to copy all the files under the folder
named 'dr' which is in 'E' drive to a destination folder named
sanju which is in the 'D' drive so the command will be as
xcopy E:\dr D:\sanju /s /e
Note : if destination folder does not exists it will be created by itself , as in the image .
Thanks ......
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